In the high-stakes realm of hazardous material management, particularly in the context of unknown powdery substances, the need for a systematic, end-to-end solution is paramount. The DEFEND Kit is an innovative breakthrough in this field that offers more than just tools – it presents a complete process-oriented solution. Lt has been meticulously designed to guide… Continue reading How to Decontaminate Unknown Powder Substances, like Fentanyl, with FAST-ACT
Ideal for contamination and adsorption of known and unknown liquid chemical threats that you may become exposed to in an environment. Ideal for use in laboratories, on-the field hazmat and emergency response calls, and small scale chemical containment. FAST- ACT® can be safely applied where known or unknown chemicals are a potential threat.
How does chemical decontamination work? The FAST-ACT® Individual Decontamination Mitt, featuring FAST-ACT® powder on a polyethylene-backed pad, efficiently neutralizes a range of chemical agents from diverse surfaces. It is a CE-marked and TGA-certified Class 1 Non-Sterile Medical Device, designed for dual-use in decontaminating chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial materials on both skin and surfaces.