Chemical Weapon Protection

Arming yourself with protection is a common practice implemented by many who participate in protection with weapons, safety equipment, and even in the rare case chemical weapon protection. Chemical threats are becoming more and more concerning, with many people seeking preparedness protection supplies from chemical weapons. Chemical warfare agents are poisonous chemicals that can elicit irritating effects, from acute to severe health effects. Once a chemical warfare agent is deployed into the environment it can have far-reaching capabilities to both your air and your surfaces. Depending on the deployment method which can range from artillery shells, rockets, bombs, & grenades, the effects will vary. To ultimately shield yourself from chemical weapons there are a few chemical warfare protection equipment you may need including protective eye goggles, hazmat bodysuit, a mask for respiratory protection, and surface decontamination gear.

  1. Protective Eye Goggles: A large percentage of eye injuries occur due to direct contact with chemicals. When a chemical substance comes into contact with your eye, especially chemical warfare agents, irreversible damage can potentially occur. Safety goggles work to protect your eyes from hazardous chemicals and to help minimize dangers associated with chemical exposure.
  2. Hazmat Body Suit: Chemical protection suits are effective against a large amount of toxic liquid and vapor chemical threats. When chemicals are released into the environment, it can collect on your skin and become absorbed through your skin and then enter into your bloodstream. Therefore, having a shield between your skin and the chemicals in the environment will help to reduce potential exposure and intake of chemicals into your body.
  3. Mask for Respiratory Protection: Airborne chemical agents in your air can significantly impact your air quality and potentially affect your health. When you are plagued with contaminated air quality from toxic chemicals you will need a protective respirator mask to shield your air from toxins. An air-respirator mask such as the FAST-ACT VapourKlenz Face Mask can shield your air of even the strongest chemical threats including chemical warfare agents. FAST-ACT utilizes a proprietary technology that is highly reactive to a broad spectrum of chemicals including chemical warfare agents. This lightweight mask can be carried with you anywhere you go, throw it in your briefcase, purse, or car for protection around the clock.

Chemical attack preparedness