Chemical Spill Cleanup

Chemical spills and releases can happen in laboratories and factories or really any environment where chemicals are located in the area making chemical spill cleanup essential. According to the health and safety standards in most of these environments, chemical spill clean-up procedures must be set in place for workers and all those involved with handling chemicals knows the best methods and procedures to follow in the event of this type of situation. Chemical spill cleanup is a critical component in the assurance of neutralizing and minimizing or eliminating the health hazards following a chemical spill. The chemical spill clean-up procedures were developed to give guidance and knowledge to workers on the safe and necessary procedures to take to effectively clean up chemical spills.

Chemical spills and accidents need to be reduced as much as possible, that is why safe practices are implementing in these types of working conditions, but a spill can still occur and being prepared with chemical spill cleanup products is necessary to give the environment and workers safe. Many chemical spill cleanup kits can be difficult to deploy and may require knowledge of the chemicals that were spilled and released. When you are working with multiple chemicals it can be hard to identify which chemical it was that was spilled, which can be a time consumer when trying to determine which neutralizer to use. Having chemical spill cleanup equipment on hand that can work FAST and ACT against any chemical released can be not only a time saver but help to improve hazards exponentially faster. FAST-ACT is a proprietary technology of non-toxic materials that effectively neutralizes a wide range of toxic chemicals with the added capability to destroy chemical warfare agents, making it perfect for chemical spill kit for laboratory. FAST-ACT can be safely and easily deployed in the event of any chemical release or spill, and with an added easy application and clean-up process of the chemicals after the neutralization process. The FAST-ACT 500-Gram Shaker Bottle, FAST-ACT Pressurized Cylinder, and other easy application FAST-ACT products for chemical neutralization.

FAST-ACT Products

After you have deployed the FAST-ACT products onto the chemical release you can easily clean up the chemical spill but just make sure that you properly dispose of the chemicals in a safety hazard disposal container.