Chemical Spill Procedures

Procedures are always important no matter the circumstance, and when you are left dealing with potentially hazardous chemicals having chemical spill procedures in place is a must. As you would expect when you are handling chemicals there are possible dangers associated that can happen that you must be prepared for and have the proper preparations set up accordingly for. Two potential accidents that can occur when dealing with chemicals is a chemical spill and a chemical release.

chemical spill kit procedureA chemical spill is the release of any chemical or chemicals that can result in an elevated risk to the health of those exposed, the environment and the supplies or surfaces that are contaminated by the chemical. Chemical spills are unfortunate but something that can nevertheless occur when working with chemicals. Laboratories, factories, and schools are all potential environments that can have a chemical spill, and that must be prepared with the necessary chemical spill procedures when this situation happens. A chemical vapor release, on the other hand, is a spill that has not been contained and has entered the environment either directly or indirectly.

When a chemical spill or release occurs the chemical spill procedures should be laid out and properly displayed so that it can be properly contained and neutralized. The chemical spill procedures include:

  • Containment- spills must be cleaned up promptly and thoroughly with a chemical spill kit procedure, or the help of FAST decontamination that ACT against chemicals released. FAST-ACT is a proprietary formulation of non-toxic high-performance specialty materials effective at neutralizing a wide range of toxic chemicals with the added capability to destroy chemical warfare agents. FAST-ACT can be safely applied to any liquid spill or vapor release enabling an easy one-step process with one technology when faced with a wide variety of known or unknown chemical hazards. The FAST-ACT 500-gram Shaker Bottle, FAST-ACT Powder Bottle Pack, and FAST-ACT Microfiber Towel are perfect to have on hand to contain and neutralize the chemicals.
  • Ensure that all parties involved and exposed to the chemical spill are in good condition and no harm was incurred.
  • Properly dispose of the excess product and chemical clean up in the necessary hazardous waste disposal container.

FAST-ACT Products

Implementing chemical spill procedures in your workplace and environment can better help aid you in the event of this situation occurring. And when the time comes that you do experience this unfortunate event, you are armed and ready to effectively neutralize and contain the chemicals released.