Types of Chemical Spills

Types of ChemicalsChemical spills, whether in a laboratory, facility or school classroom can be a potential hazard to the environment and all those present in the environment. A chemical spill is an uncontrollable release of toxic chemicals in solid, liquid or gas form. Although some workstations with chemicals may not be at as much of a risk as laboratories, it is still critical to have a precautionary guideline to follow in the event of a chemical spill in your environment. You may ask, what is considered a toxic chemical spill and how can I protect myself in the event of this hazard occurring? There are two different categories or types of chemical spills, a major chemical spill or a minor chemical spill, point-blank. That might sound vague but we are going to discuss the difference between these two types of chemical spills and how to protect yourself and your environment from this chemical release.

Minor spills, as you can conclude is a small, confined spill that does not present a tremendous hazard to your health. This type of spill will be fairly easy to decontaminate and will probably not take an extensive amount of time to do so.

Major spills are complicated in nature as there are many elements that make it a challenging case to deal with. This type of spill will most likely be an unidentified chemical or multiple chemicals. When you are dealing with an unknown chemical or even multiple chemicals identified what method to use to decontaminate the chemical spill or cleaning up chemical spills will be nearly impossible with your normal spill kit. However, with FAST-ACT our proprietary formulation of earth-mineral technology works effectively to neutralize a wide range of toxic chemicals with the added capability to even destroy chemical warfare agents. FAST-ACT works quickly to reduce hazards when exposed to a chemical spill. The FAST-ACT decontamination products include the FAST-ACT Microfiber Towel, FAST-ACT Bottle Pack, FAST-ACT Decontamination Mitt, and FAST-ACT VapourKlenz Face Mask.

The best application for a chemical spill is the FAST-ACT 500 Gram Shaker Bottle, that can easily be deployed on the chemical, absorbing the liquid and neutralizing the chemicals released. Click below to learn more about this product!

FAST-ACT Shaker Bottle


When you are left to deal with any type of chemical spill you need to have the necessary chemical protection gear to effectively neutralize the chemicals released. Having FAST-ACT on hand will allow you to quickly and effectively neutralize any chemical without the fear of the chemical that was released into the environment.